Wednesday, November 06, 2013

KidlitCon Ahoy!

This weekend I'll be on my way to KidlitCon, to hang out with friends old and new. Keep an eye on this space, and on Twitter under mosylu and the hashtag #kidlitcon13. I might actually say a few things. 


Melissa said...

See you there!!

Sherry said...

Hey, I really enjoyed meeting you at kidlitcon, and I also enjoyed your review of Rose Under Fire. I'm sort of a wimp myself when it comes to real horrible stuff that really happened, but I can usually manage to process it in a book. What I can't do is watch it 3D technicolor, which is why I've never seen Schindler's List or the Killing Fields.

Bibliovore said...


I agree about harrowing movies. Somehow I'm better able to handle it on the pages. It was very nice meeting you too, and thanks for stopping by!