Title: Nightstruck
Author: Jenna Black
Published: 2016
Source: Edelweiss
Summary: When Becket follows a baby's cry into a dark alley, she unwittingly looses demons on Philadelphia. Things get grimmer and grimmer for her and for her city until finally her own best friend is within their grasp. Is it possible Becket is the only one who can end this?
First Impressions: Why do I keep requesting horror books. Whyyyyyy. And the ending was a pointless cliffhanger.
Later On: This started very promisingly, but Beckett spent most of the book in a puddle of helplessness, punctuated by moments of horrific gore. And the pointless cliffhanger ending just made me furious, since we arrived at the cliff because Becket was so busy dithering. Still, if you love blood-splashing horror, you might as well give this a try.
More: Kirkus
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