Teen: 23
Tween: 9
Children: 8
Review Copies: 8
Purchased: 1
Library: 28
Teen: This Gorgeous Game by Donna Freitas
To everyone else, he's the most perfect and amazing person in the world. But to her, he's the one she most adamantly doesn't want. This story of obsession should be read by every girl who's ever ignored that little voice inside.
Tween: After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick
Kiddie cancer patients just warm the friggin' cockles of your heart, don't they? Sonnenblick shows us what life is like for the ones who beat it: the physical effects of the medicine, the trauma to the family members, and the ever-present fear that it'll come back. It could be angst-o-rama, but he combines it with a pitch-perfect story of a mostly typical young teen trying to find his place in the world.
Children: Junonia by Kevin Henkes
If you've ever known or been a sensitive and introverted child, you'll recognize Alice, her dismay at the changes in her beloved summer hideaway, her hopes for the all-important tenth birthday, and her quest to find the rare junonia shell.
Because I Want To Awards
Most Harrowing: The Enemy and The Dead, by Charlie Higson
Yep, It's That Good!: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger
Best Possible End: Are These My Basoomas I See Before Me? by Louise Rennison
Marvelously Gross: Crust and Spray: Gross Stuff in Your Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat by C.S. Larsen