Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Glee #3

I'm contemplating moving the Glee to another day of the week. I've had a hard time getting it out on Friday lately (although to be fair, lately I've had a terrible time getting any blogging done at all). What do you think? Sunday Glee?
  • First up is the future of the book, as envisioned by Kyle Bean and passed along by Bookshelves of Doom. It's pretty neat, but can you take notes in the margin?
  • I'm always a little wary of book-to-movie adaptations, but "Coraline" seems to be a winner. At the moment, it's got an 87 rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is pretty darn good.
  • Presenting Lenore is podcasting! If you love YA, stop on by and have a listen to the Read Carpet.
  • Oh, I like this. I do, I do.
  • In more Coraline movie stuff, drop on by one of my favorite webcomics, HijiNKS Ensue. While it's usually a more adult-oriented comic, every so often the pop culture commentary will overlap into kidlit territory. I find it funny that the girl compares it to the Twilight Zone instead of a kids' movie. Who does she think watched those the most?
That's all for now!

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